Aluminum Tubes for Cosmetic Packaging

Aluminum Tubes for Cosmetic Packaging 03-12-2019

Collapsible Aluminum Tubes have excellent barrier properties against light and air and are appropriate for sensitive products including Pharmaceutical products. Appropriate packaging plays a vital role in enhancing product quality and efficacy.

With the use of high-speed dry offset printing methods with up to 5 color capability to decorate tubes with vivid dense color makes the tube more attractive. The tubes being the absolute tailor-made product, any dia and length can be manufactured as per the Client’s requirement. Product application plays a vital role in Packaging, as it is the prime factor to determine the type of Packaging.

Our commitment as an Aluminum tube supplier to preserve the environment is fulfilled as our tubes are made from the highest purity Aluminum which is the world’s #1 recycled material. The Aluminum tube continues this commitment until the user is finished with their product and the aluminum tubes are recycled.

Salient features of Tubes are as:-

  • Internal coating and liners
  • Crimp Sealants
  • Product delivery options
  • Cap resins
  • Tamper-resistant features

Advantages of Aluminum Tubes:-

  1. Light in weight
  2. Coating
  3. Unlimited Graphics
  4. 100 % Customized product
  5. No suck back so the risk of contamination is less
  6. 100 % recyclable


  • Toiletry & Cosmetics – Hair Color, Shaving Creams, etc.
  • Adhesive industry
  • Pharmaceutical Industry – Creams and Ointment

Popular Products Packed in Aluminum tubes:-


  • Hair Color
  • Face wash
  • Scrubs Etc.
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